Gilbert Isabirye-Basuta is currently a retired Professor of the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, Makerere University. Prior to his retirement, he served for four years as Head of department from 2004 to 2008. Professor Basuta was the Director of the Makerere University Biological Field Station (MUBFS) from 1989 to 1994 where he trained and natured many primatologists. He has published several papers in biodiversity conservation and primatology including the following:
- Isabirye-Basuta, G. 1990: The ecology and conservation status of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes Blumenbach) in Kibale Forest, Uganda. PhD. Thesis Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
- Isabirye-Basuta, G. and J.M. Kasenene. 1987. Small rodent populations in selectively felled and mature tracts of Kibale Forest, Uganda. Biotropica 19:260-266.
- Isabirye-Basuta, G. 1988: Food competition among individuals in a free-ranging chimpanzee community in Kibale Forest, Uganda. Behaviour 105:135-147.
- Isabirye-Basuta G. 1989. Feeding ecology of chimpanzees in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. In: Heltne PG, Marquardt LA, editors. Understanding chimpanzees. Cambridge, (MS): Harvard Univ. Pr; Pp: 116-27.
- Isabirye-Basuta G. 1991: Chimpanzee Conservation in Uganda’s Forest in Nature Conservation in tropical forests: Principles and practice. P. Howard (ed), proceedings of symposium for District and Regional Forest Office Kampala, Forest Department.
- Isabirye-Basuta G. 1997: Chimpanzee General Ecology. In conserving the chimpanzees of Uganda: Population and habitat viability assessment for Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii. Edroma E. N. Rosen and P.S. Miller (eds). IUCN/SSC Conservation breeding specialist group, Apple valley MN USA.
- Isabirye-Basuta G. and J M Kasenene 1996: A manual for Forest Extension and Silviculture for personnel engaged in tree planting and wood lot Management for Refugees in West-Nile, Written for U.H.H.R. Kampala.
- Isabirye-Basuta G. 2004: The status and distribution of Primates in Mubende-Toro woodlands and forests, Afr. J. 42: 84-86.
- Isabirye-Basuta, G.The Chimpanzees of Budongo Forest: Ecology, behaviour and Conservation by V,Reynolds (200%) A book Review. Afri. Journ. Ecol. 45:231-232.
- Wrangham, R.W., A.P. Clark and Isabirye-Basuta. 1992. Female social relationships and social organization of Kibale Forest chimpanzees. In Topics in Primatology: Human Origins. Nishida et al. eds. Pp: 81-98 University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.
- Wrangham R.W., M.E. Rogers, and Isabirye-Basuta. 1993. Ape food density in the ground layer in Kibale Forest, Uganda. Afri. J. Ecol. 31:49-57.
- Wrangham, R.W, C.A. Chapman, A.P. Clark-Arcadi and Isabirye-Basuta.1996. Social Ecology of Kanyawara Chimpanzees: Implications for the Costs of Great Ape Groups. The Great Apes Revisited. Pp: 45-57. W.C. McGrew, L.F. Marchant, and T. Nishida (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Chapman, C.A., L.J. Chapman, R.W. Wrangham, Isabirye-Basuta, K. Ben-David. 1997. Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Structure of a Tropical Forest. Afri J. Ecol. 35:287-302.
- Olupot, W., C.A. Chapman, P.M. Waser, and Isabirye-Basuta, 1997.Mangabey (Cercocebus albigena) Ranging Patterns in Relation to Fruit Availability and the Risk of Parasite Infection in Kibale National Park Uganda. Amer Journ Primat. 43:65-78.
- Twinomugisha, D., I. Basuta, and C.A. Chapman. 2003. Status and ecology of the Golden Monkey (Cercopithecus mitis kandti) in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda. Afr. J. Ecol. 41:47-55.
- Chiyo P. I, E. P. Cochrane, L. Naughton, I. Basuta 2005: Temporal patterns of crop raiding by elephants: a response to changes in forage quality or crop availabity. Afr. J. Ecol. 43: 48-55