Prof Jonah Ratsimbazafy

President of the Madagascar Primate Research Group (GERP)

He is a native of Madagascar

He received his PhD at the State University of New York USA 2002 and his HDR at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar in 2011.

He is a Faculty lecturer at the University of Antananarivo and the University of Toamasina

He is the President of the Madagascar Primate Research Group (GERP)

He is the Co-Vice Chair – Madagascar section, IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group; the Director of Houston Zoo, Madagascar Program; and the President of the Madagascar Primate Research Group (GERP).

He is a member of the Malagasy Academia and the African Academic of Sciences

He was a former Vice President of Conservation of the International Primatological Society

He was the PI of the Earthwath project entitled: “Lemurs and Forests of Madagascar”.

He has published over 200 research papers, review articles and book chapters and he sits on the Editorial Boards of 13 international journals.

He organized the 5th International Congress of Prosimians in 2013 and the 1st Madagascar Primatological Society Congress in 2017.

With his team, he discovered two lemur new species during the last decade

He has organized the World Lemur Festival

He contributed to more than 10 documentary films on the Madagascar biodiversity by CNN, BBC, French TVs; Malagasy, Brazilian, Polish and German TV, etc.

He has won many international awards and prizes such as: the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in 1998; the Galante Award in 2002 of the International Primatological Society; and the Disney’s Hero Conservation Award in 2015


Other Speakers

Dr. Inza Koné

President, African Primatological Society || Director General of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques, Côte d’Ivoire